Romanian Typing Speed Test...
Sunday, 15 December, 2024, Time : 1:32 AM

nas desen porumb noapte baie poezie cetate ele vultur mov vultur turn mama familie aici copac probabil unu galben pepene cinci etaj chibrituri mister film desen suc tramvai crem maro joc amic corect pere porumb formidabil verde lift roman apartament oaie suc negru uliu nectarine poezie castel floare noapte acolo pix telefon curaj albastru porumb curte mare baie vechi negru noi roz bloc noi unu face televizor crede crede mare timp aici scrisoare metrou baie floare melc vine loc cheie nas uliu codru bloc hol cetate parcare vine inginer program formidabil metrou vultur mister mure bani nectarine televizor film portocale internet noi pentru vultur serviciu repede vechi vocabular tenis deci caiet pentru deranjant unu bec iunie bun mesaj crede place mai decembrie alb joc poezie codru creion minunat bani medic maro aproape noiembrie timp vinde munte albastru dreptate perfect albastru verde exersare pix galben iese spate iubire apartament iese uliu carte pix mure internet ziar august mai deci cere bej portocaliu mesaj pictor desen carte tenis telefon tata curcan vultur piersici suc deci scaun doi schi cine nectarine doctor ea suc deci dreptate mod departe camion copac corect vede apartament curaj maro roz unu zice ochi tramvai zugrav nou mobil cetate scrisoare trei peste desen loc scrisoare place mare pere curte nou urs persoana curcan zice vine tramvai scrie scriitor zice vinde face aproape curte cinci autobuz alee joc scaun eu bec nisip instalator repede nas cer cere pere etaj aici cere enervant mov poezie tata mare februarie magnific lift mister unu poet caiet magnific desen vede cetate pui pentru dragoste ianuarie piersici scaun amic galben zi magnific burete alee serial cutie serviciu copac vinde cine stea creion apartament munte foc pere chibrituri tata stea baschet hol vinde camion iunie indigo lift mic ele dedesubt foc bun camion alb ajunge acolo mama doi alb mobil camion peste trei mic cheie codru telefon patru internet ele alee roman voi aproape roman magnific place internet film internet poet doctor spune imagine perfect ele perfect spune minunat pix spate bloc baie spune bej mai porumbel pepene medic serial foc profesor scriitor curte cine film aici mere cer poet apartament munte amic plecare bun mesaj spate carte martie tramvai albastru loc ireversibil zice exersare albastru perfect plecare inteligent telefon stea corect voi burete departe serial mov roz pentru mama august negru frumos alee metrou bani poezie foaie burete metrou televizor cer februa munte familie repede exersare scrisoare dreptate galben mere deci autobuz poate nou spune bloc bani pere aprilie negru nisip schi poet melc pix cetate creion trei peste melodie devine mere face stea serviciu poet pepene spate mama pisici cine scrisoare tenis troleibuz nou cer televizor fotbal nisip instalator pix trei plecare suc devine vede urs sosire alee nectarine crede cine castel porumb iulie cutie minge merge bloc serviciu tenis creion film cinci etaj etaj poet ochi compunere mama mov floa cinci doi trei suc cer caiet medic telefon poveste bunic turn dreptate mister iubire negru tenis pentru mesaj inginer place pui place porumb iubire ochi crem telefon iese joc bani crede scrie volei mic urs vine timp copac domnitor mov scaun turist etaj mic minge devine noi magnific chibrituri poveste urs pepene devine medic castel prieten volei castel codru ele doctor departe mure foc mic plecare peste nectarine suc chibrituri pui voi medic mai burete cine doctor scrie excursie departe mama cutie noi oaie cinci camion septembrie incorect tata incorect mobil nou probabil bunic formidabil iubire scrie cer volei ziar curaj face spate ireversibil munte doctor stea august pepene creion foc ireductibil timbru noapte tata cinci hol zice autobuz vine maro mister exersare exersare vinde iunie voi incorect magazin burete timp hol nectarine ajunge mister film ajunge august place lift ziar maro spune pere perfect nisip nas pepene turist departe televizor ajunge probabil cere pentru nas etaj crede bunic melc voi metrou familie mod minge incorect nou spate vechi bunic schi curaj floare mai peste amic peste televizor nisip mure doi camion

Type the underline word and hit SPACE
Time : 180s WPM : 0 Accuracy : 0 %
Type with custom text

Copy any news of your choice from any online newspaper website and paste it in the custom box and submit. Then you can practice typing with this script. Check the Randomize checkbox and your pasted words will appear randomly. And if you do not give a tick mark, it will be written exactly.
1 Minute Romanian typing test
2 Minute Romanian typing test
3 Minute Romanian typing test
5 Minute Romanian typing test
10 Minute Romanian typing test
15 Minute Romanian typing test
20 Minute Romanian typing test
25 Minute Romanian typing test
30 Minute Romanian typing test
60 Minute Romanian typing test

How are the Romanian words from the test picked?

We have decided to use 1,500 most common words from the Romanian language. You can type in your own Romanian words or Romanian article if you want. We have put these options in Custom Romanian Text for you. You can think of it as a touch of email flavour to make the typing Romanian test a bit more interesting. The Romanian typing speed test focuses on typing itself, thus words appear randomly. Reading full sentences may influence your Romanian typing speed.

How many Romanian words can you type per minute?

The average person types between 38 and 40 Romanian words per minute (WPM), what Romanian translates into between 190 and 200 characters per minute (CPM). However, professional typists type a lot faster — on average between 65 and 75 WPM Romanian word.

Why Romanian typing speed matters?

The faster you can Romanian type, the faster you will be able to communicate with others on Romanian language. You will be able to save a ton of time on any kind of work that requires Romanian typing. At first, it will be a couple of extra minutes that you won’t really notice. Over time, the minutes will change to the hours you can only do in other own activities.

What is the average Romanian typing speed?

An average professional Romanian typist types usually in speed of 65 to 75 WPM on Romanian language. More advanced positions require 80 to 95 Romanian word for Romanian language. There are also some advanced Romanian typists work that requires speeds above 120 WPM Romanian language.

Unicode Special Character - any time any where

☺ = Alt + 1
☻ = Alt + 2
♥ = Alt + 3
♦ = Alt + 4
♣ = Alt + 5
♠ = Alt + 6
• = Alt + 7
◘ = Alt + 8
○ = Alt + 9
◙ = Alt + 10
♂ = Alt + 11
♀ = Alt + 12
♪ = Alt + 13
♫ = Alt + 14
☼ = Alt + 15
► = Alt + 16
◄ = Alt + 17
↕ = Alt + 18
‼ = Alt + 19
¶ = Alt + 20
§ = Alt + 21
▬ = Alt + 22
↨ = Alt + 23
↑ = Alt + 24
↓ = Alt + 25
→ = Alt + 26
← = Alt + 27
∟ = Alt + 28
↔ = Alt + 29
▲ = Alt + 30
▼ = Alt + 31
⌂ = Alt + 127
¢ = Alt + 155
£ = Alt + 156
¥ = Alt + 157
₧ = Alt + 158
ƒ = Alt + 159
¿ = Alt + 168
⌐ = Alt + 169
¬ = Alt + 170
½ = Alt + 171
¼ = Alt + 172
¡ = Alt + 173
« = Alt + 174
» = Alt + 175
α = Alt + 224
ß = Alt + 225
Γ = Alt + 226
π = Alt + 227
Σ = Alt + 228
σ = Alt + 229
µ = Alt + 230
τ = Alt + 231
Φ = Alt + 232
Θ = Alt + 233
Ω = Alt + 234
δ = Alt + 235
∞ = Alt + 236
φ = Alt + 237
ε = Alt + 238
∩ = Alt + 239
≡ = Alt + 240
± = Alt + 241
≥ = Alt + 242
≤ = Alt + 243
⌠ = Alt + 244
⌡ = Alt + 245
÷ = Alt + 246
≈ = Alt + 247
° = Alt + 248
∙ = Alt + 249
· = Alt + 250
√ = Alt + 251
ⁿ = Alt + 252
² = Alt + 253

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