Albanian Typing Speed Test...
Monday, 13 January, 2025, Time : 9:51 PM

para lojra prap bluza Prishtina mundem Pavaresia dashuria jetoj kaloj perjetoj lule krijoj pesembedhjete fotografia lule ndjek shoqeria bere jetoj deshiroj Prizreni nese mire shkoj prap para presidenti komunitet libri bere ndegjuese motra minuta pelqej bluza televizor kaloj jashte kjo hero ata familje djali mberij mberij ata shkolla shpejtesi plotesisht une kontrolloj leviz vellau jetoj pjese provo ndjek kaloj nena vajza pelqej pas diateza shprehu kalendar pantolla humb nena libri isha plotesisht isha afer pas kjo shkolla favorizoj detyrat gjej kerkoj Prishtina krijoj pjese dashuria liria Prishtina kyqem jetoj provo nga tradhetia shkolla jashte gishti detyrat mundem peshqit aeroport kompani gishti interneti mjaftueshem a lapsi plotesisht krijoj peshqit fillon pantolla aparat Prizreni bluza perimet diateza humb motra komunitet deshiroj mberij favorizoj isha vellau shoqeria djali banka adhurim Kosova prap banka ndaj peshqit komunitet kohe dje leviz frutat sukses shoqeria banka ndegjuese muzika bluza tradhetia shpejtesi banka para perjetoj gjej suste fotografia Pavaresia eshte detyrat pas dora mundem tregoj fotografia suste deshiroj gjej provo aeroport fotografia komunitet sot televizor leviz djali nga aparat une shkoj faleminderit ata banka kyqem jashte eshte mire interneti gjej ndaj minuta libri komunitet Prizreni numer nena Prizreni kohe shprehu kalendar favorizoj kjo isha shijoj para ata diateza kohe je perjetoj kompani pantolla leviz krijoj Kosova nga kompani kontrolloj kjo shprehu aeroport Prizreni detyrat lapsi mire dora minuta ata vellau mundem a kerkoj Pavaresia afer Prizreni gishti mjaftueshem ndjek lule shkolla fotografia kohe planeti shijoj favorizoj babai lojra kohe eshte ndaj kaloj eshte kontrolloj jetoj pesembedhjete shkolla babai perjetoj ngushte perimet tradhetia afer pesembedhjete libri aparat une interneti kompani Pavaresia fillon favorizoj frutat detyrat interneti nese liria sot pantolla perimet nga nena deshiroj komunitet ndegjuese shkoj sekonda kontrolloj gishti interneti shkoj babai presidenti kyqem gishti hero motra lojra shpejtesi fillon aparat kontrolloj afer nese suste tradhetia muzika Pavaresia planeti pas familje lapsi shprehu planeti tradhetia kerkoj dashuria bluza fotografia familje frutat tregoj shoqeria adhurim sukses provo pelqej vellau sot faleminderit minuta tregoj fillon dora dje faleminderit mberij sekonda perjetoj lule suste aeroport sekonda vajza sekonda ndjek diateza televizor sukses detyrat ndaj minuta nese babai vajza sukses automobili Kosova frutat shprehu bere kjo kyqem planeti provo minuta hero ngushte numer pantolla diateza adhurim perjetoj deshiroj frutat pas humb nga mjaftueshem liria kaloj mire motra frutat Kosova shkoj pjese familje shijoj mberij kalendar planeti lapsi familje pjese Prishtina pelqej jashte sot ngushte jashte kontrolloj liria shpejtesi jashte dora nese nena familje muzika faleminderit numer kyqem djali humb kalendar dje sukses aparat lule nga pjese krijoj hero pelqej kaloj dje planeti prap afer presidenti peshqit kyqem pas pesembedhjete liria kohe televizor eshte leviz djali plotesisht automobili televizor kompani bere presidenti mire lojra kalendar ngushte Prishtina peshqit mjaftueshem Pavaresia shijoj kerkoj presidenti fillon sukses automobili shkoj ndegjuese gjej humb jetoj deshiroj libri pantolla ndaj kerkoj perimet muzika tradhetia numer liria automobili adhurim muzika babai dje presidenti nena perimet mjaftueshem shprehu shijoj isha lule dora ndaj vajza ndegjuese une pelqej babai nese kalendar tregoj une bere bluza ngushte shpejtesi provo Prishtina lojra gishti vajza afer banka sot peshqit libri interneti motra sekonda eshte motra dashuria muzika gjej suste adhurim ata automobili shpejtesi numer bere lapsi Kosova perimet pesembedhjete automobili kjo lapsi kompani une shkolla faleminderit krijoj prap shoqeria plotesisht pjese hero djali dashuria shoqeria sekonda numer aparat mundem vellau dora prap diateza dje pesembedhjete tregoj lojra tregoj kerkoj dashuria aeroport sot faleminderit mjaftueshem fillon para humb ndjek vajza hero isha vellau plotesisht suste ndegjuese mundem favorizoj para ndjek televizor mberij Kosova mire aeroport shijoj adhurim ngushte leviz

Type the underline word and hit SPACE
Time : 180s WPM : 0 Accuracy : 0 %
Type with custom text

Copy any news of your choice from any online newspaper website and paste it in the custom box and submit. Then you can practice typing with this script. Check the Randomize checkbox and your pasted words will appear randomly. And if you do not give a tick mark, it will be written exactly.
1 Minute Albanian typing test
2 Minute Albanian typing test
3 Minute Albanian typing test
5 Minute Albanian typing test
10 Minute Albanian typing test
15 Minute Albanian typing test
20 Minute Albanian typing test
25 Minute Albanian typing test
30 Minute Albanian typing test
60 Minute Albanian typing test

How are the Albanian words from the test picked?

We have decided to use 1,500 most common words from the Albanian language. You can type in your own Albanian words or Albanian article if you want. We have put these options in Custom Albanian Text for you. You can think of it as a touch of email flavour to make the typing Albanian test a bit more interesting. The Albanian typing speed test focuses on typing itself, thus words appear randomly. Reading full sentences may influence your Albanian typing speed.

How many Albanian words can you type per minute?

The average person types between 38 and 40 Albanian words per minute (WPM), what Albanian translates into between 190 and 200 characters per minute (CPM). However, professional typists type a lot faster — on average between 65 and 75 WPM Albanian word.

Why Albanian typing speed matters?

The faster you can Albanian type, the faster you will be able to communicate with others on Albanian language. You will be able to save a ton of time on any kind of work that requires Albanian typing. At first, it will be a couple of extra minutes that you won’t really notice. Over time, the minutes will change to the hours you can only do in other own activities.

What is the average Albanian typing speed?

An average professional Albanian typist types usually in speed of 65 to 75 WPM on Albanian language. More advanced positions require 80 to 95 Albanian word for Albanian language. There are also some advanced Albanian typists work that requires speeds above 120 WPM Albanian language.

Unicode Special Character - any time any where

☺ = Alt + 1
☻ = Alt + 2
♥ = Alt + 3
♦ = Alt + 4
♣ = Alt + 5
♠ = Alt + 6
• = Alt + 7
◘ = Alt + 8
○ = Alt + 9
◙ = Alt + 10
♂ = Alt + 11
♀ = Alt + 12
♪ = Alt + 13
♫ = Alt + 14
☼ = Alt + 15
► = Alt + 16
◄ = Alt + 17
↕ = Alt + 18
‼ = Alt + 19
¶ = Alt + 20
§ = Alt + 21
▬ = Alt + 22
↨ = Alt + 23
↑ = Alt + 24
↓ = Alt + 25
→ = Alt + 26
← = Alt + 27
∟ = Alt + 28
↔ = Alt + 29
▲ = Alt + 30
▼ = Alt + 31
⌂ = Alt + 127
¢ = Alt + 155
£ = Alt + 156
¥ = Alt + 157
₧ = Alt + 158
ƒ = Alt + 159
¿ = Alt + 168
⌐ = Alt + 169
¬ = Alt + 170
½ = Alt + 171
¼ = Alt + 172
¡ = Alt + 173
« = Alt + 174
» = Alt + 175
α = Alt + 224
ß = Alt + 225
Γ = Alt + 226
π = Alt + 227
Σ = Alt + 228
σ = Alt + 229
µ = Alt + 230
τ = Alt + 231
Φ = Alt + 232
Θ = Alt + 233
Ω = Alt + 234
δ = Alt + 235
∞ = Alt + 236
φ = Alt + 237
ε = Alt + 238
∩ = Alt + 239
≡ = Alt + 240
± = Alt + 241
≥ = Alt + 242
≤ = Alt + 243
⌠ = Alt + 244
⌡ = Alt + 245
÷ = Alt + 246
≈ = Alt + 247
° = Alt + 248
∙ = Alt + 249
· = Alt + 250
√ = Alt + 251
ⁿ = Alt + 252
² = Alt + 253

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